
Unpopular Opinion Challenge

1. A selection of television programs you do not care for.
Skins. I fucking hate Skins.

2. A selection of musical artists you do not care for.
Bieber. I don't like Paramore because I think they are horrible overrated, but I do like some of their music.

3. A selection of celebrities you couldn't care less about.
Bieber. Hayley Williams.

4. A hobby you “don’t get”.
Jogging or collecting shit and never doing things with it.

5. A habit you find disgusting.
Spitting on the floor. I don't give a rats arse if your mouth is full of spit I do not want it on my fucking paths thank you very much.

6. Something in school you really liked doing that everyone else bitched over.

7. Your favorite household chore.
People have favourites?!

8. Popular video games that make you go “meh”.
Crap like CoD or Halo. I don't get them. You just kill shit.

9. PC or MAC?
PC bby.

10. A sport you don’t like, for whatever reason.
Football. And I mean proper football not fucking American football that should be called handegg.
Anyway, football is fucking pointless and stupid and I don't see the point. It makes half the world angry as fuck and the players are paid more than doctors and nurses and people that save lives.

11. A sport you really like, for whatever reason.
Quiddich, bro.

12. Television programs you love but have gotten shit for liking.
YU-GI-OH. Pokemon, Glee, Coach Trip, Big Brother, X Factor. No one likes what I watch.

13. Musical artists you love but have gotten shit for liking.
My Chemical Romance, bro. Practically anyone who liked them during The Black Parade era would get shit for it because they're a 'suicide cult' and only emos listen to them.

14. A hobby you have/find interesting that other people bother you over/make fun of.
I don't really have one. Like, People bother me because I play too much Pokemon?

15. A habit you have that other people bug you over.
I don't know. I used to get shit for having a twitchy eye and now I'm really self concious about it (Thank you, dear sister I appreciate it) so I wear my glasses to make it less noticeable, but that's not really a habit.

16. Something in school you hating doing and it felt like everyone else loved.

17. The household chore that makes you want to shoot your own face off.
Washing up. My family's eating habits are disgusting. Buy a dishwasher.

18. A selection of video games that you enjoy that perhaps you really shouldn't.
I have Construction Zone for GameBoy and its about diggers and trucks and shit and I've just gotten really into it but its a really shit game.

19. A celebrity crush that maybe even you don’t understand.
Michael McIntyre and David Walliams.

20. Free rant on whatever grinds your gears at the moment.
Music fans. I'm not sure when being a fan of a band because a competition but its so silly. For example, last night the new All Time Low album was released and all the fans went fucking insane and were hating on each other because some were like "fuck yes let's download it!" and others were like "no guys, don't download it! support the band" and then they all got into arguments. Then there were others posting shit like "REBLOG IF UR NOT DWNLOADIN DA NEW ALL TIM LOW ALBUM LOL" and its like "do you want a fucking medal?" Shut up.
Then there are other things that are like "You can't call yourself a My Chemical Romance fan if you don't know who Pansy is" and I'm just like, why does not knowing that Frank had a guitar named Pansy NOT make you a fan? Surely if you're not a fan of a band you don't like their music or the people, therefore if you do like their music and the people you ARE a fan, no matter how long you have been a fan, what song introduced you to a band or how much you know about the guitarist's fucking dogs.

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