1. We’ll start off easy. What is your name?
My name is Emma Urie.
2. If you like your name say ‘Yay!’
3. Good job. Okay, so did you notice that number 2 was not a question?
Yes, actually I did.
4. If you could get a website, what would it be called?
5. What was the last song you illegally downloaded?
The Only Difference Between M
artyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage.
6. Do you wish you had a webshow like iCarly?
No, but iCarly is awesome.
7. Scary movies?
What about them?
8. What is your favorite genre of music? And be specific.
9. Do you believe in God? And why or why not?
I don't know. We'll see after the 'rapture' happens tomorrow.
10. Laughter: The Best Medicine, or would you rather take a
n aspirin?
Lols are great.
11. When you go to sleep at night, do you leave your door open or closed?
Depends if there's stuff in the doorway.
12. You like mangoes.
If they are with passionfruit in a drink from Starbucks I do.
14. Is grey hair sexy on old people?
Old people aren't sexy.
15. I bet you were so busy thinking about mangoes, you didn’t notice that there was no question 13. Hmm?
Actually, I didn't notice there was no Q 13, but I was thinking about gray hair not mangoes.
16. You just won the world supply of every color sharpie KNOWN TO MAN!!! What do you draw?
17. Do you have your closest friends phone number memorized?
Lol no.
16. Do you like adding double letters to words? Ex: Text me or Texxt mee.
17. Is it possible for blondes to be prettier, just from hair color?
No. Like Kyle on cycle five of ANTM. She was MUCH prettier when she died her hair brown.
18. Itunes, Limewire, Winamp, or what?
19. How many songs do you have in your music library?
20. Keep it up, this note gets better and better!
21. Why did you decide to complete your FIRST note survey thing?
Probably boredom.
22. Do you remember being born?
23. Glasses: smexy or not?
24. Do you like to leave your window shades up when you sleep, to see the sky?
No. I don't like seeing outside at night.
25. Twenty-five; you get a QUARTER!!!!
Great. Money I can't use.
26. Did that last questions make sense?
Well yeah. This one didn't though.
27. If you were on a deserted island, what one American Idol personality would you take? (Judges, hosts, or contestants.)
Adam Lambert.
28. What time was it two hours and forty-three minutes ago?
Idk some time after six.
29. Did you answer number 28 in your head, or use a calculator? Or just not bother doing it?
I didn't bother LOL.
30. Are you or were you more happy to turn 16, 18, or 21?
I was more happy to be sixteen.
31. Love conquers everything?
No it doesn't.
32. Watch the food network?
33. If you could accomplish any task right now that needed to be done, what would it be?
I don't have any tasks that need doing right now.
34. Do you love playing music loud when no one is home?
Sometimes I do.
35. Your favorite website besides facebook?
36. Your cell phone is your best friend: T or F?
37. You are a battery, AA or AAA?
38. LOL! Are you really gonna laugh out loud?
39. If you could sing really well, would you show the world this talent?
Yeah I would.
40. !@#$%^&*(): Awesome, isn’t it?
Not really.
41. I would eat a hippo for a billion dollars. T or F?
T - as long as it was cooked.
42. Kleenex or rip-off brand?
I don't use tissues.
43. You can only shop at ONE store forever (But your body doesn’t need food or toiletries and stuff), what is the store?
44. You’re listening to music as you’re doin this, aren’t you?
There is music in the LP I am watching.
45. Do you like black people?
Yeah. They're people. :L
46. Do you enjoy asians?
Enjoy asians? :L
47. Wow! This notes almost nearly sorta kinda over (not really), did you have fun with it?
48. Chat speak; spawn of satan or, ttly convenient way 2 say things fast!
It depends how much is used. I don't mind it occasionally if its actually shortening words, but when people start using things like "boi" and "gyal" which use the same amount of letters, shorten nothing and make you look like a moron I don't like it.
49. Gay marriage?
Should be allowed.
50. Abortion?
I am pro choice.
51. They WERE questions, I promise!
They had ?s.
53. >.< ..try and make that face in real life.
I'm sorry, I don't have letters on my face.
54. Did you do it? Did it look oh so funny!?
It was hilarious.
55. Have you noticed this survey is getting lazy and half of these are not even questions?
56. Wow. You’re smart.
I know.
57. What grade would you relive in school if you had the chance?
None of them.
58. 11:11… Make a wish?
Its 9:11, actually. OH GOD LOL. /offensive time of the evening/
59. When you listen to music, do you feel self-concsious about your taste?
I never feel self concious of my music taste
. My taste in music is fucking badass and no one can tell me otherwise.
60. What is the most meaningful, moving song that you have ever heard?
Umm.. I don't know. Maybe Cancer by MCR but I never listen to it.
61. Are you proud of how amazingly long I have kept this note going!?
No. LOL.
62. Do you think disney shows are cheesy or just funny?
Funny. I don't even care I love Disney.
63. If you grow up and have exacty as many kids as you wanted, all the gender you really did not want, do you try for more?
I don't know.
64. Slow songs or fast songs?
Fast songs, motherfucker.
65. Ninjas: hot or not?
I wouldn't know, I've never seen one.
66. Least favorite tv show ever?
Urgh Flog It.
67. You are the only person in the world, and can bring back three people. Who would you bring, and what would you do?
...what? Everyone is dead and I can bring back three people? Okay - Brendon Urie, Mathilde + my mother.
68. If you invented a new color, what would you name it?
69. Are you giggling to yourself because this is number 69?
LOL I am now.
70. Pervert!!!
71. Do you like what you do?
Depends what I'm doing.
72. This survey is over. Are you simply on your knees bawling it out?
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