
What size is the last bed you kissed on?
Never kissed on a bed.

When was the last time you were sick?
Years ago. I'm never sick.

Are you one of those people who are always cold?
Nah, I'm pretty warm right now.

What are you listening to?
Nothing because the Lucathon stream has gone off air D:

How many more days until your birthday?

Do you have any summer plans yet?
Le holiday!

When was the last time you shaved your legs?
Friday (:

Is there someone you wish you were closer with?
I don't know. I'm close to enough people.

Do you tend to waste a lot of money?
Of course :D
Have any addictions?
Pokemon, Kx, Watching LPs.

Are you anything like your siblings?
Not at all. :D

Have you ever had a stalker?
Not really. Well, not at all.

What did you last drink?
Doctor Pepper. Like a boss.

Have you ever received an injury from a hook up?
Have I ever what the what the what the what?

What did you last eat?
Cereal. Like a boss.

What was the best concert you have been to?

Who is the last person you hugged?
Da wife.

Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex?
Oh yes~

When was the last time you had a crowd at your house?
Ages ago! Well, of friends. I had a crowd of family here today.

What can you smell?
Nothing, actually. Nothing noteworthy.

How many cell phones have you had?

Which school year do you think will be the saddest?
Year 13. Last ever.

Do you have trust issues?
Doesn't everyone nowadays?

Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now?
I'm always keeping something from anyone.

Where do you get all your clothes?

What did you do today ?
Not a lot.

How many more years of high school do you have?
Not in highschool bro.

Do you have a YouTube account?

Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone?
Doesn't everyone?

Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
Never been kissed. (GLEE REFERENCE LOLLLLL)

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Can't drive, bro.

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?

Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person?
Yeah. I sent a text about habbohotel to my nan once. :L

Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?
I dunno. Depends who the someone else is.

Will next friday be a good one?
Depends, will I be partyin' partyin' yeah?

When was the last time something bothered you?
Something is always bothering me.

Do you think age matters in relationships?
Yes, but not as much as some people think it does. Personally, I wouldn't like to date someone much younger than me, but I wouldn't like to date someone older than me, but I really wouldn't give a fuck if someone wanted to date someone 20 years older than them or something. Its up to them who they date.

Have you ever lived with a girlfriend/boyfriend?

When will your next kiss be?
Next? NEXT?!

Who was the first male you talked to today?
My dad :|


Please excuse me while I die of love and happiness.

This blog was all personal and cute when I started it. Now its all BOOBS, WEIRD THINGS, RANT.

When I get Born This Way on Friday I'm using this as the album art.

Unpopular Opinion Challenge

1. A selection of television programs you do not care for.
Skins. I fucking hate Skins.

2. A selection of musical artists you do not care for.
Bieber. I don't like Paramore because I think they are horrible overrated, but I do like some of their music.

3. A selection of celebrities you couldn't care less about.
Bieber. Hayley Williams.

4. A hobby you “don’t get”.
Jogging or collecting shit and never doing things with it.

5. A habit you find disgusting.
Spitting on the floor. I don't give a rats arse if your mouth is full of spit I do not want it on my fucking paths thank you very much.

6. Something in school you really liked doing that everyone else bitched over.

7. Your favorite household chore.
People have favourites?!

8. Popular video games that make you go “meh”.
Crap like CoD or Halo. I don't get them. You just kill shit.

9. PC or MAC?
PC bby.

10. A sport you don’t like, for whatever reason.
Football. And I mean proper football not fucking American football that should be called handegg.
Anyway, football is fucking pointless and stupid and I don't see the point. It makes half the world angry as fuck and the players are paid more than doctors and nurses and people that save lives.

11. A sport you really like, for whatever reason.
Quiddich, bro.

12. Television programs you love but have gotten shit for liking.
YU-GI-OH. Pokemon, Glee, Coach Trip, Big Brother, X Factor. No one likes what I watch.

13. Musical artists you love but have gotten shit for liking.
My Chemical Romance, bro. Practically anyone who liked them during The Black Parade era would get shit for it because they're a 'suicide cult' and only emos listen to them.

14. A hobby you have/find interesting that other people bother you over/make fun of.
I don't really have one. Like, People bother me because I play too much Pokemon?

15. A habit you have that other people bug you over.
I don't know. I used to get shit for having a twitchy eye and now I'm really self concious about it (Thank you, dear sister I appreciate it) so I wear my glasses to make it less noticeable, but that's not really a habit.

16. Something in school you hating doing and it felt like everyone else loved.

17. The household chore that makes you want to shoot your own face off.
Washing up. My family's eating habits are disgusting. Buy a dishwasher.

18. A selection of video games that you enjoy that perhaps you really shouldn't.
I have Construction Zone for GameBoy and its about diggers and trucks and shit and I've just gotten really into it but its a really shit game.

19. A celebrity crush that maybe even you don’t understand.
Michael McIntyre and David Walliams.

20. Free rant on whatever grinds your gears at the moment.
Music fans. I'm not sure when being a fan of a band because a competition but its so silly. For example, last night the new All Time Low album was released and all the fans went fucking insane and were hating on each other because some were like "fuck yes let's download it!" and others were like "no guys, don't download it! support the band" and then they all got into arguments. Then there were others posting shit like "REBLOG IF UR NOT DWNLOADIN DA NEW ALL TIM LOW ALBUM LOL" and its like "do you want a fucking medal?" Shut up.
Then there are other things that are like "You can't call yourself a My Chemical Romance fan if you don't know who Pansy is" and I'm just like, why does not knowing that Frank had a guitar named Pansy NOT make you a fan? Surely if you're not a fan of a band you don't like their music or the people, therefore if you do like their music and the people you ARE a fan, no matter how long you have been a fan, what song introduced you to a band or how much you know about the guitarist's fucking dogs.


A thing, because I put too many of them on deviantArt.

1. We’ll start off easy. What is your name?
My name is Emma Urie.

2. If you like your name say ‘Yay!’

3. Good job. Okay, so did you notice that number 2 was not a question?
Yes, actually I did.

4. If you could get a website, what would it be called?

5. What was the last song you illegally downloaded?
The Only Difference Between M

artyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage.

6. Do you wish you had a webshow like iCarly?
No, but iCarly is awesome.

7. Scary movies?
What about them?

8. What is your favorite genre of music? And be specific.

9. Do you believe in God? And why or why not?
I don't know. We'll see after the 'rapture' happens tomorrow.

10. Laughter: The Best Medicine, or would you rather take a

n aspirin?
Lols are great.

11. When you go to sleep at night, do you leave your door open or closed?
Depends if there's stuff in the doorway.

12. You like mangoes.
If they are with passionfruit in a drink from Starbucks I do.

14. Is grey hair sexy on old people?
Old people aren't sexy.

15. I bet you were so busy thinking about mangoes, you didn’t notice that there was no question 13. Hmm?
Actually, I didn't notice there was no Q 13, but I was thinking about gray hair not mangoes.

16. You just won the world supply of every color sharpie KNOWN TO MAN!!! What do you draw?

17. Do you have your closest friends phone number memorized?
Lol no.

16. Do you like adding double letters to words? Ex: Text me or Texxt mee.

17. Is it possible for blondes to be prettier, just from hair color?
No. Like Kyle on cycle five of ANTM. She was MUCH prettier when she died her hair brown.

18. Itunes, Limewire, Winamp, or what?

19. How many songs do you have in your music library?

20. Keep it up, this note gets better and better!

21. Why did you decide to complete your FIRST note survey thing?
Probably boredom.

22. Do you remember being born?

23. Glasses: smexy or not?

24. Do you like to leave your window shades up when you sleep, to see the sky?
No. I don't like seeing outside at night.

25. Twenty-five; you get a QUARTER!!!!
Great. Money I can't use.

26. Did that last questions make sense?
Well yeah. This one didn't though.

27. If you were on a deserted island, what one American Idol personality would you take? (Judges, hosts, or contestants.)
Adam Lambert.

28. What time was it two hours and forty-three minutes ago?
Idk some time after six.

29. Did you answer number 28 in your head, or use a calculator? Or just not bother doing it?
I didn't bother LOL.

30. Are you or were you more happy to turn 16, 18, or 21?
I was more happy to be sixteen.

31. Love conquers everything?
No it doesn't.

32. Watch the food network?

33. If you could accomplish any task right now that needed to be done, what would it be?
I don't have any tasks that need doing right now.

34. Do you love playing music loud when no one is home?
Sometimes I do.

35. Your favorite website besides facebook?

36. Your cell phone is your best friend: T or F?

37. You are a battery, AA or AAA?

38. LOL! Are you really gonna laugh out loud?

39. If you could sing really well, would you show the world this talent?
Yeah I would.

40. !@#$%^&*(): Awesome, isn’t it?
Not really.

41. I would eat a hippo for a billion dollars. T or F?
T - as long as it was cooked.

42. Kleenex or rip-off brand?
I don't use tissues.

43. You can only shop at ONE store forever (But your body doesn’t need food or toiletries and stuff), what is the store?

44. You’re listening to music as you’re doin this, aren’t you?
There is music in the LP I am watching.

45. Do you like black people?
Yeah. They're people. :L

46. Do you enjoy asians?
Enjoy asians? :L

47. Wow! This notes almost nearly sorta kinda over (not really), did you have fun with it?

48. Chat speak; spawn of satan or, ttly convenient way 2 say things fast!
It depends how much is used. I don't mind it occasionally if its actually shortening words, but when people start using things like "boi" and "gyal" which use the same amount of letters, shorten nothing and make you look like a moron I don't like it.

49. Gay marriage?
Should be allowed.

50. Abortion?
I am pro choice.

51. They WERE questions, I promise!
They had ?s.

53. >.< ..try and make that face in real life.
I'm sorry, I don't have letters on my face.

54. Did you do it? Did it look oh so funny!?
It was hilarious.

55. Have you noticed this survey is getting lazy and half of these are not even questions?

56. Wow. You’re smart.
I know.

57. What grade would you relive in school if you had the chance?
None of them.

58. 11:11… Make a wish?
Its 9:11, actually. OH GOD LOL. /offensive time of the evening/

59. When you listen to music, do you feel self-concsious about your taste?
I never feel self concious of my music taste

. My taste in music is fucking badass and no one can tell me otherwise.

60. What is the most meaningful, moving song that you have ever heard?
Umm.. I don't know. Maybe Cancer by MCR but I never listen to it.

61. Are you proud of how amazingly long I have kept this note going!?
No. LOL.

62. Do you think disney shows are cheesy or just funny?
Funny. I don't even care I love Disney.

63. If you grow up and have exacty as many kids as you wanted, all the gender you really did not want, do you try for more?
I don't know.

64. Slow songs or fast songs?
Fast songs, motherfucker.

65. Ninjas: hot or not?
I wouldn't know, I've never seen one.

66. Least favorite tv show ever?
Urgh Flog It.

67. You are the only person in the world, and can bring back three people. Who would you bring, and what would you do?
...what? Everyone is dead and I can bring back three people? Okay - Brendon Urie, Mathilde + my mother.

68. If you invented a new color, what would you name it?

69. Are you giggling to yourself because this is number 69?
LOL I am now.

70. Pervert!!!

71. Do you like what you do?
Depends what I'm doing.

72. This survey is over. Are you simply on your knees bawling it out?


30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Describe your day in detail.

Well, I woke up planning on going to RE but I cba so I didn't and I watched America's Next Top Model and ate two slices of toast with VERY cold butter that was really salty and good. I went to school and Hannah told me to hit Kieran which I did and then stuck stickers over the faces of people on posters in the common room. I went to media, in which I yelled at my teacher by accident and played pictionary and did revision for my exam tomorrow. I came home and I played on my PS2 and had pizza, and mum came home and gave me the free toys she got from the news paper. One was Jack Sparrow and his boat and the other was The Black Pearl, both lego toys which I made. I went back to the computer then I went back downstairs and then I watched EastEnders and didn't watch glee and I had a shower. So, anyway now I am writing this.

That was almost in the style of My Immortal. Applaud me.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Your favourite thing about Tumblr.

The pictures. I have no idea where people get them but there are so many quality pictures on tumblr (and now on my laptop) and its like "HOW DO YOU FIND THEM?!?!"

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Write about your crush.

Do I have to?
He's really cool and nice and stuff and fjhfkjfgjfdg I'm such a girl omg.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Five things that make you smile.
  1. Captain Jack Sparrow
  2. My friends
  3. When you evolve a good Pokemon
  4. Reading my old blog
  5. When mother pretends not to have a present for me when I know she has.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

A concert you want to go to:

PANIC! AT THE DISCO its tomorrow

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Your top ten favourite albums.
  1. Sam's Town - The Killers
  2. Vices and Virtues - Panic! At The Disco
  3. Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge - My Chemical Romance
  4. The Fame Monster - Lady Gaga
  5. Pretty. Odd. - Panic! At The Disco
  6. Hot Fuss - The Killers
  7. Danger Days The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys - My Chemical Romance
  8. Infinity On High - Fall Out Boy
  9. Wonderland - McFly
  10. Motion In The Ocean - McFly.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

A talent you wish you had

Playing ocarina flawlessly.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

What's on your mind right now.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

What you look for in a guy/girl.

I like brown eyes and cute hair, a good sense of humour and tolerance for my weirdness.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Your favourite movie.

Labyrinth, released in 1986 and starring Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie. I remember my mum telling me my sister loved this film when she was little so I started watching it from about the age of six or something. Considering it was made around 8 years before I was born you'd think I wouldn't have been interested in it, but I loved it from the first time I watched it (the forgot about it for years) and its my favourite movie ever. And it has one hell of a sound track.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Write about your family

My mum is weird, my dad is kind of an ass, my sister is.. my sister and my brother is.. well he has good taste in music.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Describe your room.

My room has five walls, one has chalkboard paint and another has black and white flowery wallpaper. On the chalkboard is my Sing it for Japan thing which I still haven't rubbed off even though I meant to. One wall has two shelves, one for books and one for CDs and DVDS. I have a canvas wardrobe and another two canvas storage things against the same wall as the shelves. There are posters and Pokemon cards stuck to the wall under the shelves. I have a HUGE window right beside my bed, which is a fancy shmancy day bed with giraffe print covers and lots of toys. I have more posters above my bed. There's usually clothes all over the floor, which is nice because this carpet has been in here since my sister lived in this room and I'm pretty sure there's a stain beneath my bed. Under my blackboard there is a brown futon sofa with loads of crap on it. One wall has my own drawings on it, along with a long mirror.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Something you regret.

Not making it happen.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Write a lesson to someone you miss.

...but what if I don't miss anyone?

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Your biggest dream.

I don't have a huge dream. I just want cats.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Your biggest fear.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Write about your perfect relationship.
I would like someone who is into the same shit as me, like video games and anime and manga and pokemon omg especially pokemon but I'd also like there to be some differences, because if you both love the same thing it will get boring. I'd also like someone that looks like Ben Barnes. And they cannot be alergic to cats or dairy or anything I love.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.


Brendon Urie, Gerard Way, Lady Gaga, Frank Iero, Matt Smith, David Tennant, Michael McIntyre, Rupert Grint, Aiden Grimshaw, William Beckett, WiL Francis, Mat Baynton, Tom Flether, Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Ben Barnes, Colin Firth, Leonardo DiCaprio, Danny Jones, Harry Judd, Dougie Poynter, Sterling Knight, David Walliams...

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Write about your hobbies and interests.
My hobbies are playing games and watching videos about games and buying games and thinking about games. And photography and drawing and writing and TUMBLR.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Your favourite book.

It's close between The Magic Faraway Tree series and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Both amazing fantasy books but from completely different eras. The Magic Faraway Tree was written around the 1930's I think and Harry Potter is fairly recent, but they are both as entertaining as each other (and not because two of the characters in The Faraway Tree series are called Dick and Fanny).

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Your favourite memory:
Not even gonna lie, it was when I got my Nintendo DS. MY BABY.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

What do you wish you could change about yourself?

LOLOL. Gonna go for my weight. It's easily changeable, I just like food too much.


Your top ten favourite songs.
  1. This River is Wild - The Killers
    "Or should I just get along with myself, I never could get along with anybody else"
  2. Trade Mistakes - Panic! At The Disco
    "I feel marooned in this body, deserted by organs can go on without me"
  3. Paparazzi - Lady Gaga
    "I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me, papa-paparazzi"
  4. Leather Pants - LittleKuriboh
    "Me and Bakura we will have our revenge, him and me we'll steal your leather pants"
  5. Don't Dream It's Over - Crowded House
    "Hey now, hey now don't dream it's over"
  6. Parklife - blur
    "All the people, so many people and they all go hand in hand, hand in hand through their paklife"
  7. To The End - blur
    "Well you and I collapsed in love and it looks like we might've made it, yet it looks like we've made it to the end"
  8. Checkmarks - The Academy Is...
    "Get you out of the rain, get me out of my clothes, hope I don't make a sound you hope hat nobody knows"
  9. Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance
    "I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone"
  10. As The World Falls Down
    "I'll paint you mornings of gold, I'll sping you valentine evenings, though we're strangers 'til now, choosing the path between the stars, I'll leave my love between the stars"

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Write about 5 things that annoy you:
  1. People who say "Music is my life". I understand that they love music, but there is a lot more to life than that and I highly doubt that you value music about all else
  2. Daddy longlegses. ITS LIKE A FLYING SPIDER.
  3. River Song. "Spoilers!" BOOM HEADSHOT.
  4. Sean. LOL Okay you annoy the fuck out of me sometimes.
  5. People who don't try to win with the Pokemon they love best. Karen does not like your style.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Your hopes for the future:
I want lots of cats. I want to be loved and I want scientists to create Pokemon.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Your idol/someone who inspires you.

Don't be a drag, just be a queen. Whether you're broke or evergreen. You're black, white, beige, chola descent. You're Lebanese, you're orient. Whether life's disabilities. Left you outcast, bullied, or teased. Rejoice and love yourself today 'cause baby you were born this way
No matter gay, straight, or bi, lesbian, transgendered life, I'm on the right track baby, I was born to survive. No matter black, white or beige. Chola or orient made, I'm on the right track baby,
I was born to be brave.

Lady Gaga, or Mother Monster, whatever you want to call her, she is an amazing woman and anyone who says she isn't talented is lying. Its okay to say you don't like her, you think she's overrated or she doesn't make your type of music, but there aren't many musicians who can dance around on stage wearing a fake pregnancy suit and still look gorgeous AND sing perfectly in key. She also stands up for what she believes in. She helps people, she sets trends and can still look cool with a lobster on her head.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Your favourite TV show.
Horrible Histories.
I am not even going to explain myself I am just going to post some pictures.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Write about your top 5 bands/musicians.
  1. My Chemical Romance.
    I never talk about them as much as I should and I really do love them a lot. Most people would say, "Oh they got me through hard times when I hated myself and wanted to die" but for me its nothing like that, I just fucking love them and their music.
  2. The Killers.
    So they were my 'favourite' band for two years and they kinda mean a lot to me.
  3. Panic! At The Disco.
    "I got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck than any boy you'll ever meet, sweetie you had me."
  4. McFly.
    Those four guys are a big part of my late childhood, like from age 8 to 14 or something I was in love with them. Still am, I suppose.
  5. David Bowie.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

2) Write about 5 of your best friends.
  • Reinbold is lovely and blonde and occasionally very hipster.
  • Jazz is also lovely and she was blonde but idk what hair colour she has now.
  • Rissy and Jack are sharing a space because I want more than five people but they are awesome.
  • Sarah and Phil also have a space together and they are cool.
  • I'm making this text very small so Sean can't read it because I am a bitch like that.

30 Day Challenge... In One Day.

Your Facebook profile picture -


10th May 2011

I would like to take a moment here to show my hatred of Vanessa on EastEnders. She just makes me so angry. And her hair is disgusting. Really disgusting. Blah.


30. Anything

29. A picture of something you miss

28. A picture of something you despise
I was going to use an image of a real spider but I couldn't even look at them. So here's some cartoon ones.

27. A picture of you with beautiful scenery
The top one is me, the bottom one if beautiful scenery.