
6) Who’s your favourite historical figure covered in the series so far?
This badass right his is the Roman Emperor Elagabalus. (Except his name wasn't always that.) Anyway, he held dinner parties and made his guessed eat rocks that looked like food while he ate the food himself. He used guts to tell the future. His dessert was so scrummy you won't literally believe it. He created the Roman lottery and gave away nice prizes, like houses and slaves (not so nice for the slaves) and some not so nice ones like bees and dead dogs. And sometimes he shot the lottery tickets out of a cannon but included some poisonous snakes too so the people had a hard time getting the tickets.
I also love Elagabalus because of the way Mat plays him. He's so camp and funny and that accent just kills me.
I can't believe I just practically wrote and essay on why I love Elagabalus. I have no life.

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