
Monday, 11th April 2011

I keep thinking that something important happened on this day but I can't remember what. I might be getting the 11th confused with he 9th, which is Gerard Way's birthday and that's a pretty important event.
I should really be writing an essay for this question:
"With reference to the topic you have studied, examine and comment on the controversies which arise from an issue or issue within medical ethics and how far these can be resolved by or how far these conflicts with religious/moral principles"
I really have no idea. I have en entire folder with notes on Catholic views, Muslim views, Hindu views, Kant's views, Utilitarian views... lots of views. Maybe I do know how to answer the question and I just cant be bothered to actually write the answer because JoshJepson playing Ocarina of Time is much more fun.
Today is the first day of the Easter holiday and I am bored all ready. It'd be nice to go out some time this week, but I doubt I will because I hate going out alone and my friends don't often go out. I've sent them all a message though so maybe someone will take pity on me and get me out of he house for a few hours one day. (:
I have to get my photography done soon too. This part of photography is worth 50% of my grade and I've done hardly anything because my teacher made me do the stupid black and white film that I didn't want. I suppose two weeks + royal wedding is enough time for me to fill my sketch book if I do a little each day and take lots of pictures.
This has been a post.

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